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Time with love ones,. how vital is your quality time?




Time in physics is operationally defined as 'whatever the clock reads'. However spending time with family and friends are vital but more so with your children as they grow up really quickly and before you know it they are adults themselves, therefore spending quality time with our children is vital and offer many benefits including building and maintaining a strong emotional bond. When children have had great family surroundings and  support they tent to perform better in school and reduce behavioural issues, families can make  and provide these opportunities to their children through fun memories, laughter and togetherness.   


      How to incorporate learning into fun
  • Playing with your children, engage in your child's activity using learning tools at the same time like calendar clocks, talking book, teddy bears and many more learning equipment and playing tools..
  • Reading bedtime stories as well as you can transition your nursery to a toddler's room   
  • Having meals together is great time to talk to each other, try involve your child in preparing some meals, younger children also love to bake. 
  • Make learning fun, be open to creativity and incorporate hands- on learning with puzzles, paint, building blocks and more.
  • Sharing gifts share gifts that you can enjoy together or solo, soft toys are a great example.

Children will not remember a lot of things but what they will remember is memories you've helped to create by you committing your time with them, reading their favourite books, cuddling up with their favourite toy along with many more fun times as they grow older. Play time spent with Mom and Dad make children feel free and happy that gives a sense of control they do not normally experience, it builds their sense of independence. These playtime has been shown to reduce frustration making children feeling calmer. 

Known quotes:
Love your children spend time, leave no room for regrets, tomorrow is not promised and today is short.
You will never look back in life and say 'i spent to much time with my kids
If you want to change the world go home and spend time with your family and children,
Mother Teresa
There is only one thing more precious than time and that's what we spend doing with it.

There lots more to read, learn and enjoy with your kids by clicking on the following website:   




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